Q: What is Your Savings Source?
A: We are a membership based consumer savings and lifestyle enhancement program for individuals and families across the country.
Q: How Does Your Savings Source work?
A: As a member we provide you with our portal of opportunities in the categories of shopping, entertainment, dining, travel, automotive, hotel accommodations, auto rental and much more...which members can utilize to save hundreds and even thousands over dollars a year!
Q: How do I join?
A: Simply call 1-866-496-5225 to speak with a live customer service representative who will get you enrolled in the program today. Join today and start saving today!
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Your membership has a low monthly fee of just $29.95 per month.
Q: How do I use the program?
A: Simply click on the "Member Benefits Login" button on the home page of out site and login. From there select the category you would like to save money in and take advantage of one of the great offers listed in that category.
Q: As a member where can I save?
A: You can save at top nationally retailers nationwide as well thousands of local establishments such as your favorite restaurants, auto repair shop, auto rental, hotels and much, much more.
Q: Is there any limit to how much I can use the program on a monthly basis to save money?
A: No, there is no limit to how much you can use the program. Use it as much as you want to save as much as you want...the more you use it the more you save!
Q: Are there any additional fees other than the $29.95 that I will be charged each month to use the program?
A: No, all you pay is the low monthly fee of $29.95 which is automatically billed to your credit or debit card each month.